360 Accident & Health

We know that great Claims experience is crucial for our Accident and Health Clients. Whether travelling around Australia or abroad, even the smallest injury or damage to belongings can become a huge inconvenience. We also know that the need to access quick financial or medical assistance whilst travelling is vital to your Client returning home safe and sound.

At 360 Accident and Health, we are focused on the personal around-the-clock service, with a dedicated Claims specialist assigned to assist you through the claim. We have partnered with Corporate Services Network Pty Ltd (CSN) to play that vital role in proactively responding to our Client’s Accident & Health claims and guiding them through what can be a difficult and distressing time, not just for the traveller, but their family as well.

To lodge a Claim or make an inquiry, please contact:

Corporate Services Network Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 2 8256 1770
Fax: +61 2 8256 1775
Email: claims@360uw.com.au

Around-the-clock claims assistance anywhere in the world, so our clients can get home safe and sound.

Claims Documents

360 Personal Accident & Sickness Claim Form


360 Travel Insurance Claim Form


360 Expatriate & Inpatriate Medical Claim Form


Contact 360 Accident & Health Claims

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    360 Claims Team

    Contact Us

    P. 1800 845 092
    E. claims@360uw.com.au

    Meet our Claims Team